Major Tributaries
Major tributaries of Buffalo Creek include the North Branch, Rapid Run, Spruce Run and Little Buffalo Creek. The North Branch and Spruce Run are both used for public water supplies. The North Branch has received the highest quality rating of the PA Department of Environmental Protection—an Exceptional Value watershed from its headwaters to the Mifflinburg public water intake. Spruce Run and Rapid Run (which flows from Raymond B. Winter State Park to the village of Cowan) are both rated as High Quality-Cold Water Fisheries. They are streams that have excellent water quality and other features that require special protection. These streams support species indigenous to cold-water habitats, notably trout. A segment of the main branch of Buffalo Creek has the same High Quality rating from its headwaters to the bridge at Pleasant Grove. Other tributaries—Little Buffalo Creek and Beaver Run—are rated as Cold Water Fisheries.